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Thank God for Healing

But the sun of righteousness will rise

on those revering my name;

healing will be in its wings

so that you will go forth and jump about like calves in the stall.

(Malachi 4:2)

Thank God for Healing

Good Day Family,

Malachi is not a book that we often turn toward, but it presents the goodness of God in remarkable ways. Like most prophets, Malachi speaks on behalf of God. He offers caution against falling away from the Holy One. At the same time, he shares the promise and hope of redemption and restoration that comes from abiding with God. Here, the prophet speaks of revering the name of the Lord.

God has many names. Names are our primary source of identification. They are given to us before we have a chance to develop our character, but that is not the case with the names of God. We use the names of the Holy One in order to try to capture the character and nature of God. These names are descriptive, and we’re reminded by the many names that God is beyond our understanding and comprehension. We only get a glimpse of the Creator, yet those glimpses are all we need to know that God is glorious, faithful, and true. God is our Healer…and this is a world in need of healing…in many forms.

We have found moments of healing in our Griefshare Ministry as participants have a safe and accepting place to share their grief. Healing may be found in our feeding ministries, from distributing fresh produce to collecting yams for Thanksgiving meals to the Community Meal and What’s Cookin’ Wednesday, we offer nourishment to both body and soul. That’s healing. The ritual of baptism and reception of new members reminds us the healing power of being part of a community of faith. We are created with a need for relationship with God and one another. When we join as the body of Christ, we heal a longing that we often do not fully understand or can express. Thank God for healing!

In Thanksgiving,

Be Well,

Pastor Cheryl

Let us encourage one another. Let us love our neighbor. Let us be the church.

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