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Pastors Note December 3, 2021

Wrap the justice that comes from God

around yourself like a robe.

Place the eternal one’s glory

on your head like a crown.

(Baruch 5:2)

Wrapped in Justice and Glory

Good Day Family,

We don’t often read from the Book of Baruch; it is not found in Protestant Bibles and is considered a secondary text in other Christian settings. Baruch was a companion of the prophet Jeremiah, who ministered during a period of exile for the children of the covenant. This work is crafted as a letter sent to a people living during trying times with no end in sight. The text above is part of the concluding words of the letter in which the author offers a word of encouragement even as the exile has not yet ended. Isn’t that a lesson from which we can all benefit? Let us learn to be encouraged and encouraging in the midst of trial. Baruch does this be pointed past their particular circumstances to the Lord of all circumstances. Justice is not inherently a legal principle. The judicial system has borrowed from the ideals of faith but justice isn’t about

punishment and retribution. God’s justice is about wellness, restoration, redemption, and wholeness. That’s the justice from God that should envelope us.

That justice is inextricably linked to God’s glory. The Holy One is glorified when creation lives in harmony and peace and when love abides. A crown is a symbol of wealth, prosperity, royalty, and inheritance. A crown signifies triumph, victory and reign. God’s glory is the ultimate prize that we seek. God’s kindom is the one in which we hold our citizenship no matter our physical residence. So wrap up, not only in coats and scarves against the cold during this season, but let’s wrap ourselves in God’s justice, truth, and glory anew this Advent and in all the seasons to come.

Justice and peace,

Be well,

Pastor Cheryl

We are the church and as we gather, in whatever form that may be, to worship, fellowship and serve, the church is alive and well. Let us encourage one another. Remain safe and check in on one another. We will get through this, and when we do…and look back on the other side…we will be stronger, more grateful, and more connected

than ever.

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