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Writer's picturePastor Cheryl Lindsay

Pastor's Note 12.27.2019

God has made everything fitting in its time, but has also placed eternity in their hearts, without enabling them to discover what God has done from beginning to end.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

Good Day Family,

God’s timing is not our own, not limited to our calendar, and beyond our understanding. But time is truly a gift from God—a precious resource that we cannot hold. Nevertheness, we remain acutely aware of its passing. One year moving into another reminds of the onward movement of time. We can look back and think back, but with time, we cannot go back. The only option is forward. We can’t even pause it.

So, the question is, what do we do with this gift? At the start of a new calendar year, we often reflect upon what we hope for the days, weeks, and months ahead. Maybe, you set resolutions or establish new goals. Or, you might just embark on that project you’ve been meaning to get around to doing. Perhaps, like me, you choose a word for the year to capture a focus area for the next twelve months.

Whatever you do, may I suggest that you Seek Wisdom. In the Bible, Wisdom is often personalified, as if this quality is more than an attribute, it is someone we can get to know. We can sit at her feet and hear her voice. Wisdom is elusive yet available if we seek her. Our worship series for January 2020, Seeking Wisdom, will look at how wisdom manifests in our lives and in our world. I have also created a Scripture Reading Plan for the month that in just a couple of minutes per day will reinforce wisdom themes we will encounter. You can download a copy of the printable or pick one up from the church. (Or, you can follow our Facebook or Instagram social media accounts @WellingtonFirstChurch to receive the WORD4theDay!)

It is my prayer that we will grow in wisdom together.

Seeking Wisdom,

Be well,

Pastor Cheryl

P.S. Remember, we will join in worship at First Methodist this Sunday, December 29 at 10:45 AM. Pastor Paul and I look forward to our combined worship service.

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