Good Day Family,
“I will give them one heart and put a new spirit within them.” (Ezekiel 11:19)
There’s a lot going on. It’s an exciting time.
Last week, I attended the Annual Gathering of the Ohio Conference, which is now known as the Heartland Conference. This change reflects the vision of a conference that is coming together to create something new while also building on the strength of past traditions and the faithful ministry of the United Church of Christ in Northern Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia. It also reflects the theological sentiments expressed in the text from Ezekiel noted above.
The conference focuses on climate change and our collective responsibility to respond. In fact, the theme was “Caring for Our Common Ground.” There were resources for individuals and churches to pursue energy efficiencies as well as encouragement to create Green Teams within our congregations. Rev. Traci Blackmon, Associate General Minister for the United Church of Christ gave an inspiring message in which she emphasized that portion of the Lord’s Prayer that calls for God’s Kin-dom to come on earth. Let us faithfully consider our response to the condition of God’s earth and how we might make a difference.
In the Living Water Association, our Annual Meeting will be held on November 2 at Bath UCC. I would love for a few of us to show up for what should be another impactful gathering, coupling inspiration and practical tools for application. Let me know if you’re interested.
Finally, there’s much going on at First Church. I’ll send a more detailed letter in the next week, but please save the date of my pastoral installation, November 3 at 3 pm on your calendar. I’m excited to share that Rev. Paul Hobson Sadler, Pastor of Mt. Zion Congregational Church UCC will deliver the message, Rev. Nayiri Karjian, Association General Minister will conduct the installation, Pastor Paul of First Methodist will participate, and the Voices of Praise of Mt. Zion will share their music ministry with us. On Sunday, there will be invitational postcards available to invite family and friends to attend.
Oh, and take a peek at our new website ( There’s still work to do, but we’re beginning to tell the story.
I’m exciting and grateful…every day…to be called as your pastor. And, I look forward in anticipation to what we shall be.
Be well,
Pastor Cheryl