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Writer's picturePastor Cheryl Lindsay

Pastor's Note 05.01.2020

All you who serve the Lord:

bless the Lord right now!

All you who minister in the Lord’s

house at night: bless God!

2 Lift up your hands to the sanctuary

and bless the Lord!

3 May the Lord,

the maker of heaven and earth,

bless you from Zion. (Psalm 134)

Good Day Family,

Finding Sanctuary

One of the blessings of this time is that we are reminded that God dwells with us. We don’t have to go to the temple or a particular holy mountain to find God’s presence. When we seek God, we find that God is there. God is found in our kitchens, living rooms, and bedrooms. God meets us on a walk outside or while sitting quietly on our front porch. We can create sacred space wherever we are…because God is with us.

As we continue to worship from home, I encourage you to carve out sacred space. Bring your Bible, a cross, or a candle, and take the time to set it up. Think about how you prepared for worship when we met at the church building, and consider how you prepare for worship now. Obviously, the biggest change for most of us is that there is little commute. You may not dress the same way. But is there a way that you can create a new routine to make getting ready to participate in worship online a little more special and meaningful? Maybe, you can start a watch party on Facebook so you can share this time with family and friends. I look seeing your comments saying “Good morning” or “amen” during worship. I see them all, and when I do, I can see your faces, hear your voices, and feel connected in this different, but still valuable way.

A few updates:

Ø I would still encourage those who do not have internet access to call in for worship at 2 pm. Simply dial (319) 527-4928. It’s an abbreviated service but also gives some time for fellowship.

Ø Last week, Joe Calfo led Adult Bible School at 9 am through Zoom. That will continue. It is the same link as for worship. On Tuesday, May 12 at 6:30 pm, we will resume our mid-week Bible Study. We will study the Book of Ephesians. This will also be through Zoom.

Ø We have a new YouTube Channel. Please subscribe and share it with your friends. We will livestream Sunday Morning Worship there through Zoom so that you will be able to see the slides with the order of worship incorporated into the video. That link is below.

When will we get back together? I’m not asked this question often, but with some reopening around the country and in the state, I thought I would speak to it here. The recommendation, with which I agree, is that gatherings of ten or more people is not yet advisable. It isn’t safe or prudent to gather together at this time. I cannot foresee that changing before June at the earliest. The safety of our community is paramount. At the same time, we are using this time to look at what adjustments we may need to make for when we are able to gather together again. Your suggestions are always welcome.

Let us continue to be the church even as we maintain physically distance. God still binds us as one…and still blesses us from the places where we reside.

Be well,

Pastor Cheryl

We are the church and as we gather, in whatever form that may be, to worship, fellowship and serve, the church is alive and well.

Let us encourage one another. Remain safe and check in on one another. We will get through this, and when we do…and look back on the other side…we will be stronger, more grateful, and more connected than ever.

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