Those who were in distress won’t be exhausted. (Isaiah 9:1a)
Good Day Family,
The prophet Isaiah alternated in his message from challenging the people to comforting the people. I think that is a lesson for us during this times that are rife with discord and division. We could become overwhelmed by it all and retreat. Or, we can choose to engage in the work of creating God’s Kin-dom on earth as it is in heaven.
Earlier this week, I reflected on the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Truthfully, I am often dismayed at how sanitized his message has become in the years since his death. He called for nonviolent resistance to the oppressive powers at work, but that is not passivity. His dream wasn’t a mild hope, but a bold vision of the “beloved community,” God’s Kin-dom on earth as it is in heaven.
One of the things I said about him was that he didn’t start the work, and he didn’t complete it, but he did his part. We are also called to do our part in building the Kin-dom, in realizing God’s vision, and praying and working for God’s will on earth as it is in heaven. It may seem daunting, if we assume that we operate under our own power, but power belongs to God, who walks alongside us on the journey. And God’s promise remains true, “Those who were in distress won’t be exhausted.”
Be encouraged. Accept the challenge.
Seeking Wisdom,
Be well,
Pastor Cheryl