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In Appreciation

3 I thank my God every time I mention you in my prayers. 4 I’m thankful for all of you every time I pray, and it’s always a prayer full of joy. 5 I’m glad because of the way you have been my partners in the ministry of the gospel from the time you first believed it until now. 6 I’m sure about this: the one who started a good work in you will stay with you to complete the job by the day of Christ Jesus.

(Philippians 1:3–6)

Good Day Family,

For the last two years, our congregation has been blessed by the enthusiasm, gentle spirit, serving heart, and creative work of Andrea Outlaw as our church secretary. She joined us during the pandemic when we were still physically distant. As we transitioned to a new normal, she demonstrated flexibility and dedication to the work of this church. She has been a true partner in the ministry. It is gratitude and sadness that I share that her time with us will soon be coming to an end. This spring, Andrea let us know that she would no longer be able to serve in the full capacity of secretary. Generously, she agreed to work remotely as we conducted a search for a new secretary, which we have now completed (more about that to come). God brings people into our lives and crossing our paths for reasons we may never know, but I can say with surety that Andrea has been a gift to the church. We will miss her presence, and we wish God’s most abundant blessings upon her future. Even now, she is helping to orient her successor to the role. I pray that she receive a double portion of the kindness, compassion, and love that she pours out. And as the Apostle Paul said, I know God will continue to abide with Andrea until completion. Thank you,

Andrea, and thank God for Andrea.

In thanksgiving,

Pastor Cheryl

Let us encourage one another. Let us love our neighbor. Let us be the church.

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