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Good Day Family,

10 The Lord overrules

what the nations plan;

he frustrates

what the peoples intend to do.

11 But the Lord’s plan stands forever;

what he intends to do lasts

from one generation to the next.

(Psalm 33:10–11)

The Plans that Last

Good Day Family,

There is an expression that says, “We make plans, and God laughs.” Now, I do believe that God has a sense of humor, but I do not think God makes fun of us or laughs at our expense. I think God laughs with us and delights in us. God’s laughter is full of joy and love not derision and dismissal.

God cares about our hopes, dreams, and plans. When they align with God’s will, God blesses them. When we seek God’s guidance in their execution, they are more likely to prosper. What happens when we have plans for God’s glory and they fail to realize or come to pass?

At those moments, we’re reminded that God’s plans are not our plans. We do not have the full story or all the pertinent information. God does. God’s view is long and overriding of all else. No person, family, community, tribe, or nation can supersede the sovereignty of God. And that’s good news.

In God’s plan,

Be well,

Pastor Cheryl

Let us encourage one another. Let us love our neighbor. Let us be the church.

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