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Accessing God

“In Christ we have bold and confident access to God through faith in him.”

(Ephesians 3:12)

Accessing God

Good Day Family,

The Apostle Paul went through some things. He had lived most of his life devoted to a strict adherence to religious rules, yet, when Jesus and his disciples were spreading the good news, Paul initially rejected the message. In fact, he persecuted disciples and approved the stoning of Stephen, one of the first deacons of the church and the first Christian martyr. But once Paul had a personal encounter with Jesus, it completely changed his life. He followed the way of Jesus boldly and with confidence.

Some of you may remember that at the time of my installation, I shared a simple vision: “Mighty God | Great Faith | Bold Ministry.” Every year, I look at those words and consider if it still makes sense or needs alteration. As I read Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, I am reminded that boldness in ministry does not mean being reckless or even earthshattering. It means moving forward to follow the One who calls us to this hope.

God invites us as God’s partner in building the kindom of God, not the other way around. From our perspective, the work we do in the name of the Lord is a response to a Mighty God who is capable of miracles, signs, and wonders.

I am reminded that simple vision is a progression. Because we serve a Mighty God, we can have great faith. That leads to bold ministry. Our confidence is not in ourselves but in the God we serve and trust.

This Sunday, we will renew our baptismal commitments. We will also receive a word for the year. These words will be specific for each individual. I encourage you to receive the word as your spiritual word for the year. Pray about it and consider how God may be speaking to you through that word. If you do not join us onsite on Sunday, there are other ways to receive your word. You can request one and we will send it to you through email or regular mail. You can also go on our Facebook page and find the post (on Sunday and after) for online worshippers to choose their word. Or, perhaps the Lord has spoken a word to you already that you might adopt.

Remember your word. Display your word. Embrace your word.

With confidence,

Be well,

Pastor Cheryl

Let us encourage one another. Let us love our neighbor. Let us be the church.

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