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02.19.2021 Pastor's Note | Checking the Path

All the LORD’s paths

are loving and faithful

for those who keep his covenant

and laws.

(Psalm 25:10)

Good Day Family,

Checking the Path

There’s a poem by Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken, that is most remembered by the last lines that focus on the impact of the paths we take. But, that poem begins with the choice. We can choose the course of our lives, and much of our lives are a series of choices that we make. As Christians, how do we make faithful choices? What are our measures, standards, and guides to living a life that reflects Jesus? Not our faith in Jesus alone—I’m not talking about wearing a cross or carrying a Bible. I’m talking about a life that resembles the life that Jesus lives.

That life is on the Lord’s path. When I first read the above verse, it seems to suggest that those loving and faithful paths are God’s promise to us. It’s possible that the psalmist is saying something far more challenging and participatory. The psalm connects love and faith to covenant, which is ultimately about relationship. When we chose our relationship with God over everything else, no matter how difficult or even costly that may be, we take the path of love and faith. And that makes all the difference.

On Friday afternoons throughout Lent, the Sanctuary will be open for private reflection from 1 – 3 pm. Devotional packets may be found on the back pew for your convenience. We are also planning a special Holy Week experience that will combine limited in-person worship with our online offerings. More details to follow.

Don’t forget our Book Study of Grateful by Diana Butler Bass begins this Sunday at 9 am on zoom. You don’t have to read the book to join the discussion. I hope to see you then!

Be well,

Pastor Cheryl

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