On that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah
We have a strong city:
He sets up victory
like walls and bulwarks.
2 Open the gates,
so that the righteous nation that keeps faith
may enter in.
3 Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—
in peace because they trust in you.
4 Trust in the Lord forever,
for in the Lord God
you have an everlasting rock.
(Isaiah 26:1-4)
In Peace
Good Day Family,
This passage of scripture begins “Judah’s Song of Victory.” I’m struck that it begins by claiming their strength and immediately pivots to the source of that strength—The Lord. This is not a tribute to weapons and arsenal. That is not the source of their victory or salvation. The people understand this and give appropriate praise to the God they trusted to allow them to prevail despite the most difficult of circumstances—even those of their own making.
I wish…with all my heart…that we as a society would learn to truly trust in God. That our strength would not be marked by the power of our weapons, defensive or offensive, but by the love of God working in and through us. I pray that those in power would pray with legislation that would take weapons of war and mass destruction off of the streets. Those tools do not make us safer; they
terrorize, kill, and destroy. They are as much the enemy of our souls as any demon in hell.
But trusting in the Everlasting Rock provides shelter in the storm and refuge in the time of trouble. Trusting in God emboldens us to chose the way of peace and to live in community rather than in conflict with one another. Jesus does not ask us to pick up arms, Jesus commanded us to love one another—including our enemies.
I pray for the victims in the mass shootings in Buffalo and in Texas. Getting your supply of groceries and beginning your education should not be hazardous. We don’t have to live this way. God grants us
peace if we are only willing to trust and receive it.
In prayer and action for peace,
Be well,
Pastor Cheryl
We are the church and as we gather, in whatever form that may be, to worship, fellowship and serve, the church is alive and well.
Let us encourage one another. Remain safe and check in on one another. We will get through this, and when we do…and look back on the other side…we will be stronger, more grateful, and more connected than ever.