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God Who Leans

I put all my hope in the LORD.

He leaned down to me;

he listened to my cry for help.

(Psalm 40:1)

God Who Leans

Good Day Family,

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and found yourself so engrossed in it that you realized you were leaning toward them? Or, perhaps, you were in a group and found it difficult to hear so you leaned closer to the person speaking. That lean reflects a desire to be present and to really hear what is being said.

The psalmist knows that God leans. When we cry out in despair, God leans in to hold us. When we shout for joy, God leans to celebrate with us. We can put our hope and trust in God, because God comes to us in those moments.

Jesus leaned into the world through his birth and his life. The Holy Spirit leans into our spirit and speaks with a whisper, a nudge, or an intuition. In all things, God is with us, leading and guiding, comforting and supporting, loving and nurturing us. I am grateful for the God who leans…and invites us to lean back.


Be well,

Pastor Cheryl

Let us encourage one another. Let us love our neighbor. Let us be the church.

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